Attendance, Absence, and Illness Policy
Beloved Community Commitment
We ask families to prayerfully consider their commitment to Beloved Community Co-op. As a cooperative, courses, teaching assignments, and supporting roles are planned for the full academic year based on enrollment and thus mid-year withdrawals or frequent absences (defined as more than 2 unexcused absences per semester) impact all families of the community. Barring extenuating circumstances, registration to Beloved Community Co-op is a weekly family commitment to the community for all 28 weeks of our academic year. Annual membership, supply, and classroom fees are non-refundable and should be paid in full no later than January of this school year.
As a homeschool cooperative, Beloved Community Co-op functions best when all families are present, engaged, and sharing in the tasks and responsibilities required to operate smoothly. As such, your family’s commitment to consistent attendance and timely communication is essential. Please carefully consider your family's involvement based on the level of commitment you are willing to make to the community. If your family is experiencing hardships that make consistent attendance or keeping commitments difficult, it is best to communicate with the directors as early as possible so we can work together to find solutions.
Attendance Expectations
- Barring emergencies and illnesses, all participants are expected to maintain regular co-op attendance.
- Each family is expected to show up to all co-op meetings on time.
- Families are responsible for giving notice of all co-op conflicting pre-scheduled absences (e.g. vacations, appointments, etc.) as soon as those obligations are known or no less than 7 calendar days before the scheduled absence, whichever is earlier.
- Families are asked to limit planned absences.
- Unexpected absences MUST be communicated to the Directors NO LESS THAN 24 hrs before the expected absence. This does not apply to emergencies.
Illness Policy
The following is our sick policy aimed at preventing the spread of any contagious illnesses:
- We ask any family member to stay home if they are experiencing cold or flu symptoms or symptoms of any contagious illness such as cough, fever, fatigue, aches, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, shortness of breath, or vomiting or diarrhea, or if anyone has a confirmed or suspected case of any contagious illness.
- When feasible, families are recommended, but not required, to undergo testing for contagious illnesses such as COVID-19, streptococcus, RSV, or flu. Return to co-op can be 24 hours after symptom-free.
- Parents should use their best judgment when deciding whether symptom-free family members may attend co-op with ill family members at home, keeping in mind the safety of the community. Masks are encouraged if healthy members of the family decide to attend co-op while ill members of the same family stay at home. Please reach out to leadership if you are unsure of whether or not it is best to attend co-op with the specific circumstances of your family's illness.
- If any symptoms of illness arise during the school day or community activity, we ask the affected family to leave co-op for the duration of the day/activity. Please notify leadership of any of the above situations immediately.
Absence Policy
- Frequent absences shall be defined as more than four (4) absences per school year or more than two (2) absences per semester. This does not include extended illnesses, births, deaths, or other extenuating circumstances.
- Please communicate with us as soon as you know of any circumstances that will necessitate an absence.
- We understand that unexpected things happen. Prompt and timely communication with the leadership team allows us to plan for your absence or tardiness and affords us the opportunity to support you, if needed.
- If your family must be out for more than four (4) absences, your family may be moved to probationary status. The directors will meet with you to discuss the circumstances and determine next steps for your family. The directors and the board reserve the right to terminate your participation at their discretion.
Absence Reporting Procedure
When parents become aware that there will be an absence, they should:
- Notify directors via text message as far in advance as possible.
- Find substitute teachers for BOTH your class roles and supporting roles.
- Notify the co-op community by posting in BAND about the absence, the names of those who are substituting for you, and what roles they will be filling in your absence.
- Send lesson plans and materials (if appropriate) to your substitute teachers.